Yeah, I said it. It can be difficult to speak against anything or anyone that has been holding us down for so long. Fear can trigger our anxieties to not do whatever we know in our hearts that we were called to do. 

I have been there. It’s tough feeling like your fighting towards a better life alone. You can feel uninspired by the simplest of things because your focus has been shifted. 

Allow me to encourage you and say that you can and will succeed! Do not let people have power over how you view and live your own life. Do not allow your circumstances to stand in the way of achieving your goals. 

People will write you off. People will put you down. Your past will not have power over your future. Take the necessary steps to get to where you desire to be. Pick your head on up! 

Progress looks different for everyone. 

If you waste time comparing how you moving in life to someone else then you are downplaying yourself. Your dreams are waiting on you to put in consistent effort. Your goals are waiting to be accomplished because they are ducked off on another level. A level that requires you to put in more work and less self-doubt.

You will never know how far your potential can get you if you don’t maximize it. Chasing your dreams can still happen no matter if you are scared or not. 

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