Ode to the joys, pain, and the excitement it is to become a mother. People seem to ask me all the time, "Linda, when you and your husband are going to have a baby?" All I can honestly say is, "Well, whenever God knows we are ready." At this point in my life, God knows that I am not ready to become a mother nor is my husband ready to be a father. However, I love envisioning having my own family with my husband in my daydreams.
Here are are a few reasons how I know I am not ready to become a mother...
1. I'm still mentally scorned from growing up poor.
I grew up in a small town in Louisiana called Napoloeonville. I was raised by a single mother who did not know how to read or write. My mother worked in the sugar cane fields to provide a living for me and my two siblings. My mother made ends meet with food stamps and social security checks. There were days I went without food and days I went with eating vienna sausages in the can, hot dogs wrapped in sandwich bread, and drinking sugar water to quench my thirst. I never expereince having AC in my home. I wore hand-me-downs from the Good-Will and Salvation Army half of my childhood.
My mother didn't know how to drive. I never truly started living life until I graduated from high school and moved from the house I called home. I use to be ashamed of where I came from. Growing up poor in a small town made me an easy target to be picked on. I lived was bullied about my the way my house looked.
I was bullied, because my mother rode a bike instead of driving a car. I wanted to kill myself, because of where God had placed me in life. I made a vow to myself to never settle in life, since I left home and those painful memories that still haunt me. I am humbled so much from what I have experience and from what I am still experiencing. I want my child to have a better life. I want to give my child a solid foundation.
2. I want to establish better credit before I start my family.
I would love to have a great credit score before I start a family. Reason being as to why I would love to have been establish better credit before starting a family is, becuase I want to be become a homeowner. My husband and I have plans to move from Louisiana to another state to start building. Having a great credit score will be beneficial for not only my child's future, but as well as mine.
3. I have major weight loss goals.
I have weight loss goals that I need to meet before even thinking about trying to get pregnant. I want to at least lose close to 25 pounds. This is not an excuse currently, even if I don't meet my weight loss goals this would still be a goal I would love to accomplish in my lifetime.
4. I don't have any family around me to help.
Having a child is expensive and child care is too. I have the luxury of being able to have family nearby to baby sit my future child. Therefore, since I don't have any family around or friends I would have to be a stay at home mama. Right, now I really love having a lil' 9 to 5 and being out of the house. I would have to kiss my 9 to 5 bye-bye and take on the stay-at-home mother duties full time. It would be amazing to be a full-time blogger and YouTuber, but right now I just don't believe I am ready to let it all go and allow my husband to bring in all the money. I am terrified of leaving paying all the bills and our living expenses up to him right now.
5. I could be a little selfish.
I still have a whole lot of wants and a few more goals to accomplish by next year. My husband and I just want to get a few more of our own needs and gifts out of the way before starting a family. Neither one of us want to be selfish parents at all.
Here was just few of the reasons why I know I am not ready to become a mother. I salute every mother out there who is taking care of her child or children and being the best mother that they can be. You ladies inspire me! Feel free to share your thoughts, opinion, and advice below in the comment section. Click the link below so you can get subscribe to my email list and never miss an update again...
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