Lurking on social media can often times lead you in your feelings. Almost a week ago, there I was upset and low key pissed off from comparing my life to another woman's success on Instagram. I just had finished adding another chapter to my book 'Love Me Past The Pain' on Wattpad, and found myself questioning my true potential. I was asking myself, "Why aren't you a published author, Linda?" I had to come into realization with myself that I can't question where Jesus is leading me in my life right now and here is why.

There is an ole song that goes, "What God has for me, it is for me."  It truly makes me want to cry, because whenever I think about the lyrics of the song, and I get to singing the song, I get a lil' choked up. Comparison is a silent killer. Imagine finding yourself thinking about how someone else would approach certain situations in your life! You are no longer thinking for yourself once you take on the mind frame of another man or woman. Think about allowing someone else to call all the shots in your life. Sooner or later you will get to the point of wanting to have a say so with your choices. 

It reads in Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

Having a strong and assertive relationship with Christ is key. Well known comedian and TV show host Steve Harvey said, "A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful." 

I want to encourage you to lay down the foundation of your success in life with hard work and motivation. Quit trying to find small comparisons to other folks and worry about your damn self. Often times the people who we spend so much time in awe over are the same people who are going through so much more ish than you. I'm not saying be content with where you are. I am saying to peep game and your surroundings as you prepare yourself for the next blessing that has your name on it. So hold your head up and put a smile on your face. Your blessing is on the way just don't wait for it to come get to grinding!

 Discover your inner strength every step of the way with

Norman Hutchins - God's Got A Blessing

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