As many of you know that read my blog I was a bank teller for almost two years. While working as a bank teller I never encountered a soul that tried to deposit verbal excuses. Sometimes fraudulent checks or counterfeit bills, but never excuses.
A few days ago, while I was just chilling in my living room on my sofa reading an ebook. I thought about how much different my life could be if I was actually not procrastinating. My fear of finally completing a stand-alone novel or novella eats at me. I thought about how many readers lives that I could be having an impact on just from my writing.
Then I thought about truly taking the career of being a writer into full-time gear. I already have nothing to lose and so much to gain. I'm just currently too much of an over-thinker. I damn sure cannot change my current circumstances if I keep overthinking and even at times doubting myself. There are days I just feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm a wife, mother, and stay at home mama. I'm now a full-time YouTuber and blogger.
I have taken time to evaluate my daily schedule and what I could be and will be doing differently to achieve my goals. No one is going to sit you down and let you know how to delegate your life for free. No one is going to take you by the hand and mold you into that confident hustling individual.
That change you want to see with your very own finances starts with your hustle. Are you willing to take calculated risks and go the extra mile? The only difference between you and the life that you truly want to live is your mindset and your hustle. There's no such thing as having the hustle and not the mindset to be successful in your own life. It's a balance that's learned and sometimes taught, but everyone's lane is different.
So before you take that chance to think or even speak an excuse as to why you “cannot” do something that your future self can thank you for today, study yourself and rearrange your mindset. You know how to do YOU best! If you want to live that life you often daydream about you have to work harder towards creating and achieving attainable and realistic short and long term goals.
Excuses cannot be deposited into your bank account. A paycheck cannot be written out to your excuses for you to physically cash. What's your game plan for the rest of this week or even next week? Will your future self-be proud of the decisions you're making today?
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So very true.