in love is truly one thing, but sticking it through the end is another.
Relationships can truly take us to that level cloud nine John Legend once sung
about and they can take us to low levels of depression (that’s only if we allow
them too.)
When you and your spouse can not seem to see eye to eye it can be difficult
to find someone to talk to about what you are facing in your relationship. Not
everyone you choose to vent to will understand your point of view on your
spouse or why you are still trying to find a resolution to stick it through.
1. Identify the issue or issues in your current relationship.
this time of discovering a sound mind it is best that you identify what are the
current issues in your relationships. I understand that guys some guys that you
date or are even married to can be men that I call “dwellers.”
Dwellers are not
just men. In many cases, women can be dwellers too. Dwellers are the type of
people who bring up the past and throw it in your face in a negative way.
dwellers bringing up the past and throwing it in your face they steam their
past emotions towards you or whoever it may be as a raging fire to make you
every upset and to take you back to that level of pain you most likely felt
when the issue or issue came about.
You can type the issues out on a notepad
app on your phone or even on write it down on paper. Identifying the issues
will bring life to what is truly the problem or problems at hand without not
having proper reasons as to why your relationship is crumbing.
2. Keep Your Drama Off Social Media
relationship issues are better left off any of your social media outlets.
always get someone saying,
“So Lynn, you want to tell me what to do on my social
media pages, now?
Well, I’m going to throw a little shade and delete the ish
later.” I am going to say that the more people you allow to start raising
eyebrows about your post alerting them that there is trouble in paradise may be
your glass of sweet homemade ice tea. However, the less some people this
includes strangers know about your personal life is the better.
3. Do Not Settle for A Half Ass Relationship
If your man really does not
want to compromise and see eye to eye with you then you should not settle. I
may sound harsh to some women who feel like they partner is just acting out.
However, making excuses for how he is treating you will not solve a thing.
Think about it this way you are allowing him a get-away free pass to treat you
like shit and you’re the ticket master.
If you continue to settle for his
bull shit, then you will never value the love and treatment you deserve.
4. Understand
You Have Nothing to Prove
and even marriages can end with time, and time does heal everything (only if
you allow it to.) Pattie LaBelle told Oprah best with tear streaming down her
face, “I have nothing to prove.”
My question to you is,
“Do you have something
to prove by sticking out a relationship that is tearing you down and you know
that you are faking your happiness for everyone to see?”
sticking out your relationship with a man who does not love or is having
trouble accepting the woman that you are becoming is weighing you down, then
let it go! It is easier said than done, but you have nothing to prove unless
you make or have made it a must.
5. Are
You Sticking It Our Because Of Your Child Or Children?
the one in a relationship or marriage your or children? Who is the person who
is dealing with the emotional tolls that your relationship or marriage is
causing you?
Your child or children should not have to see you faking your
happiness or their father treating you in very mean and petty ways. Think about
how sticking your relationship or marriage out for your child or children will affect
you 5 years later.
Many women have told me that no matter how
bad their man treats them, they cannot up and leave, because their man makes a
lot of money and takes care of home. If this is your excuse too, then you
really need to evaluate if you’re comfortable with your lifestyle, so much so
that you will sacrifice your happiness and peace of mind.
It would be smart
that if you have a personal savings account that you are stashing cash away in
every time you see a paycheck or a little extra cash. You need to be able to
take care of yourself, child or children and everything that you own with or
without him.
If you have any tips or advice feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Subscribe to my blog for the latest uplifting posts!
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