used to be hesitant about cutting people off. I made excuses for other people’s
actions towards me as if I was always the problem. I never wanted to be that person
who left a bad taste in someone’s mouth. You can also say that I was indeed a
people pleaser.
I was once that girl who always answered the phone to listen to you vent. That girl who always responded back to your text messages even when I did not feel like being bothered. That girl who told others her dreams and business freely to those who did not care a bit about her making progress in life.
I also use to remain friends with people
who only hit my line once every few months. Whenever I would talk to them over
the phone or in person the energy would feel different. The friendship was no
longer sincere in many ways, but I held on.
get it. I promise I won’t make this blog post all about me. I just want you to
also stop feeling guilty for wanting peace. Some of us have gone through the
same guilt. Others were not sure what those conflicting feelings were when they
did experience them.
3 Ways to
stop feeling guilty for wanting peace
Appreciate yourself and
everything that you do.
to psychology today, you can start by buying a journal. The journal will be your
self-gratitude journal. You would hold yourself accountable to writing in this journal
at the end of each day.
In this journal, you can write down at least three things
that you did to make progress towards your goals or how you helped someone. Then
at the end of each week take the time to read your past entries. See how much
effort you have placed fourth. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You got
this in the bag.
Discover what are the
emotions underneath your guilt.
can sometimes mask other feelings. If your friend, family member or spouse has narcissistic
traits they may convince you that you are being selfish by setting limits. You aren’t
selfish for looking out for your mental health. Do not ever let someone lie for
you to prioritize their needs before your own.
Set your limits and decide
how much is too much.
all should have a tolerance level for how much we can take. If someone is draining,
you of your energy then you need to speak on it. Speak loudly even if your
voice shakes. Know that you can not run yourself in the ground trying to fill
someone else from your already empty cup. Realize your own needs and go after your peace.
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