Whatever time you woke up and had started your day, that was reason one. The second reason why you have the potential to win is that you still have a pulse. You do not need others' validation to do what you believe is your calling or even purpose in this lifetime. We also can not cash or deposit the opinions of others into our life’s savings.

Photo by Suad Kamardeen on Unsplash

No matter how tough things may get in your life, it is up to you to keep showing up for yourself. Cry when you need to. Value how far you have come. Try to strive to have a quite a moment within your day to speak positive affirmations yourself.

Speaking into your future is possible, and speaking over your future self is and can be rewarding. If things in your life just seem all disarranged and or the little mishaps in your everyday life are stressing or frustrating, you take time to give yourself compassion. Here are a few ways you can provide yourself with compassion that I also do practice.

Reward yourself and celebrate all your wins, no matter how big or small they may seem. A win is a win, and you deserve to celebrate along with the way.

Practice mindfulness. Pay attention to what you say and think about yourself, life, and the people you come in contact with within your personal, job, or even career life. Mindfulness starts with you allowing yourself to become more aware of your thoughts, thinking patterns, and

Be gentle with how you view yourself. When cultivating a better perspective over ourselves, I have learned that it's best to not be belittling to our own progress. If you are tired, it’s okay to nap and not wake up and feel bad about it, especially if you are a workaholic in ways. Take time out to better yourself and to love on you!

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