I will admit that I always use to be a pushover and an extreme people pleaser until just last year. People use to take my kindness for a true weakness and boss me around. I am the happy go lucky and always smiling type of woman. Wearing a smile for me can hide my sadness, frustration, and anger very well. As a matter of fact, I have mastered ways to hide my true feelings behind a smile.
Let's just talk present day and standing firm on my word. This week is not even over and I had to make very wise and important decisions for myself and my brand. At the beginning of the month of March, I was excited to possibly have been chosen to be a part of a Christian based tour via email. A Christian based tour that I never heard of before, but was eager to join before really feeling like it was right in my spirit to partake in.
After eagerly agreeing to be a part of the tour so many red flags starting appearing. I still did not have a true feel for the young woman who created the tour too. The tour date had gotten switched, the other young ladies had no clue who I was, and I had to remind myself that there were no legit contracts involved.
Throughout the uncertainty that I had, I still asked as many questions as I can about the brand, selling tickets, and promo codes. I was sharing the news of being a part of the tour with my following on my social media platforms. When little did I truly know that only a week before this Atlanta based tour was headed to Nola, that God was ready to tell me to back down?
Yes, God spoke to me and told me to back down. I was a yes-girl who held on tight to my word. I was driven off by impulsive decisions. I was someone whose word was their bond. I did not want to back down after 3 other young women that were previously part of the tour did. Looking like a follower was the last thing that I wanted to appear to be. So, I went to God in prayer. God told me to reach out to a friend of mines for advice and I did just that.
After conversing with her I followed through with my email to the marketing director of the tour. I was backing down even after feeling a bit foolish for even sharing the flyer and announcement with my supporters and viewers. I had to roll with the truth and my God-given confirmation that I was not truly taking a loss. I was following through with my motives and I did it with a smile.
I shared this story with you to say that backing down from an opportunity did not break me. Backing down made me value my self-worth and my brand more than I ever did. I had to stand firm on saying no, count me out. I did it with no hesitation and without reasoning with anyone. I was encouraged by the vision that God has shown me. Being scared and even nervous did not keep me from going back on my word.
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